Coronary arteries

Coronary arteries: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment:

Coronary arteries:Symptoms, Causes and Treatment:

About coronary artery:


Coronary arteries disease limits blood movement in your coronary arteries which deliver blood to your heart muscle. Cholesterol and other substances make up plaque that narrows your coronary arteries. Chest severe pain is the most common coronary arteries desease symptom.coronary arteries desease can lead to a heart attack, abnormal heart rhythms or heart failure. Many treatments are available.


Picture two traffic lanes that merge into one due to construction. Traffic keeps flowing, just more slowly. With CAD, you might not notice anything is wrong until the plaque triggers a blood clot. The blood clot is like a concrete barrier in the middle of the road. Traffic stops. Likewise blood can not reach your heart, and this causes a heart attack.


You might have CAD for many years and not have any symptoms until you experience a heart attack. That’s why CAD is a “silent killer.”


Other names for CAD include coronary heart disease (CHD) and ischemic heart disease. It’s also what most people mean when they use the general term “heart disease.


Coronary artery diseases type:


Stable ischemic heart disease: 


This is the chronic form. Your coronary arteries gradually narrow over many months. Over time, your heart receives less oxygen rich blood


Acute coronary syndromes detail: 


 This is the sudden form that is a medical emergency. It is most common in the USA. It is a very injurious disease.Many  people are facing it. According to a report 18 million people are victims of this disease. This causes a heart attack.

Symptoms of chronic CAD consists: 

Stable angina:

It is the most common symptom. Stable angina is temporary chest severe pain or discomfort that comes and goes in a predictable pattern. You will usually notice it during physical activity or emotional distress. It goes away when you rest or take nitroglycerin

Shortness of breath (dyspnea): 

Some people feel short of breath during light physical activity.

Sometimes, the first coronary artery disease symptom is a heart attack 

Severe chest pain is more common in all heart diseases 

 Main causes: 

Atherosclerosis are the main cause of the coronary arteries

It is a chronic diseases in which there is accumulation of fatty material cholesterol or fibrin in arteries when this condition is severe arteries can no longer expand and contract properly and blood moves through them with difficulty Accumulation of cholesterol is the prime contributor to atherosclerosis 


  • Daily exercise 
  • Stop fast food because fast food is injurious to health 
  • Use food without fatty acid 
  • Control the cholesterol level because cholesterol level is also the main causes of coronary arteries

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